Ahmad Khudeish
Ahmad Khudeish
Hi @jamesxabregas I had a similar issue recently with an image carousel flashing quickly before changing the image dynamically via swipe. My issue was that I was trying to add...
Yes I can run the tests fine using the command-line. Is it something wrong with my files.glob settings?
Well that looks exactly the samr as mine isnt it exxcept mine is pointing to a different directory. My files are stored inside src/modules/inventories/tests/test1.spec.ts. Shouldn't my mocha.files.glob be able to...
I tried to set the full path but no luck, still not working. Has this package been tested with path different than test/*.test.ts?
@yehiyam I did change it, and still the same issue I get the error **Mocha sidebar: Process exited with code 1. See Mocha output for more info.** Any ideas? Thanks