Victor Aremu

Results 54 comments of Victor Aremu

Yeah, this is a know issue. This library is not compatible with newer angular version beacause of some breaking changes so I upgraded it. Use instead or

Use this instead **What's New** - Fixed the AOT (Ahead Of Time) Compile error or simply put the ---prod build compile error. - Upgraded the library from a Ng2...

@TomberWolf Noted! Next major release.

I haven't tested Switch out on multiple screen setup. This is not an issue with switch-desktop, it's the service that does the window switching just for the current monitor/desktop. This...

Hi, @skyliao1 can you explain further?

Hi @nealhuchn I'm sorry I can't understand what your request is. Can you please explain further?

Hi, @eparizzi thanks for reaching out. The dock window was intentionally designed to be less visible so as not to interfere with your work. The next major release will give...

@eparizzi probably. When the next update, I'll look at refactoring the dock content so that it should automatically scale to its window size. I believe that would fix this issue.

Hmm try to create a shortcut with ``"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory=Default --app-id=bacboiiidhobfihpganjpdboahgkdhjd"`` as what to invoke then add it to the switch dock. I haven't tried this, but it should...

Hmm, this looks trivial to workaround, I need to investigate more in this behavior.