Andrew Zheng

Results 22 issues of Andrew Zheng

So when I select text (in a WKWebView, but I've also seen this happen with normal UITextViews), the Edit Menu popup appears behind the View Controller that I've presented with...

The example in the README shows how to make an image, like this: ```swift // You can specify the bounds of the image, both for size and the location respecting...

Hey! I recently built an open-source iOS app, 99% written in Swift, that does pretty much what this repo does. You can check it out on the [App Store](! It's...

Currently when you select a chunk of code that contains parameters nested inside, formatting is weird: This is because Multiliner splits parameters by commas `,` — this includes commas inside...


Conform to `gestureRecognizer(_:shouldBeRequiredToFailBy:)`. More technical details [here]( Fixes [issue 111]( and also [issue 116 ]( (iOS 13 page sheet's built-in gesture conflicts with the swipe gesture). These issues are closed,...

Because gifs support only 1 alpha channel (a pixel is either transparent or not), shadows appear as a solid line. Possible solution: Allow picking an opaque background

help wanted

There seem to be some issues with `UIViewRepresentable`s created multiple times in iOS 16 — see > Not sure when this started happening, but it seems like [Button]( labels...

help wanted
iOS system bug

Attack on Titan, Assassination Classroom, and Teasing Master Takagi-san