Hey folks! We are looking for early users that can test MLflow Pipelines or/and help us extend it. If you are interested, please use this [form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYh6-u0qFn7AYv06Kiph09oZq2PW7Vx3Z_qVjFLE5mfMWQFA/viewform?usp=sf_link) to signup. Thank you...
The work mentioned in the repo referred to code-push backend work. That work has completed and the team is currently woking on minor bug fixes to make the service reliable(see...
Thanks for the feedback! I will bring this up in my next next meeting with team and will revert back to you. Please expect a reply sometime end of next...
I will provide some clarity on this next week. Apologies for the delay!
Apologies for the delayed response. We understand that this is becoming a blocker to many of the folks that are using code push with Cordova. I am currently advocating internally...
@jacobg Thanks for reminding me about it. I will get that one prioritize as well.
Thanks. It has been added to feature backlog. I will post an update if we move forward with it.
Moving this to a central appcenter repository where we are tracking/prioritizing all requests. Thanks
@ebelair Many thanks for sending us the PR. We really appreciate your support in helping us make appcenter better. The team has internally verified the PR and is now reviewing...
You can now set artifact and log retention duration to 1 day and we will clean and delete artifacts right after they expire. You can learn more about this feature...