@rmcmillen50 It looks like we have a markdown field that supports a readme field. I think we should go with the following solutions: - Detect Github url's in the "URL...
@rmcmillen50 Available for review at laddr2.harley.dev after you've added the following to your host file >harley.dev. If you have your own laddr instance, the branch is issues/165.
@rmcmillen50 I don't think we could implement this before finding solutions to #123. - Do we already have mockups/user stories for a project-member-management page? - If yes, could you send...
@rmcmillen50 How about adding a tiny plus on each filter, with a hover bubble saying 'Combine Filter'?
Good Idea. I'll add a bubble to the top displaying the currently used tags. I could only include the deletion x's if we use the combine filter idea. Currently, clicking...