
Results 11 issues of ahadith

Right now, the `/random` API route only fetches a random hadith from Riyad as-Salihin. We would like to expand the pool of hadith from which a random one is drawn....

Additional Feature

And associated index changes.


![image (4)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22137719/95152913-fedc0480-0742-11eb-8466-0facc9aa91e1.png)

After an Approve, Reject, or Skip action - can we have an Undo functionality as well for that user? If one of those actions was done by mistake i.e. This...

If a text field contains shortcodes (e.g. `[matn]Some text[/matn]`) we want to have the display box be tabbed with two tabs (Raw and Display). The raw textbox should display when...