Same problem with an earlier version of Eclipse (2020-03). It is more likely due to java version, for me it started to crash after I upgraded Java (from 11 to...
If owned entities support is rewritten for EF Core 7, they should not be loaded by default. At least for the 1-n relations since it results in a join. It...
@ajcvickers I agree with you in theory, but in practice there should be an option for developer to choose if he/she wants to load a relation that involves a join...
Because an `OrderDetail` belongs to an `Order`, an `InvoiceLine` belongs to an `Invoice`, a `Storey` belongs to a `Building`. And none of them has a unique identifier (storey#12345678). And if...
@andriysavin I agree an I use CQRS design a lot, but EF should be agnostic regarding design choices. Many dev teams use the same model for query and command. And...
More informations: Actually a `RestClient.Builder` is already provided by `RestClientAutoConfiguration`. But adding a custom `@LoadBalanced` one breaks ```java @Bean RouterFunction fooRouting() { return route() .GET("/foo/**", http()) .filter(lb("foo-api")) .build(); } ```...
It would be even better if it could work without `@SqlResultMapping`, like with `spring-data-jdbc` ? `@SqlResultMapping` usage is very verbose. How about using `entityManager.createNativeQuery` if `@SqlResultMapping` exists, `entityManager.unwrap(Session.class).doReturningWork` otherwise ?
Answers to this "problem" from Spring team here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-jpa/issues/2757