Olivier Lefebvre

Results 16 comments of Olivier Lefebvre

Adding `false` doesn't work for me. it generate error on publish. The BrotliCompress task fail: > Compressing 'C:\Projects\Perso\TheIdServer\src\Aguacongas.TheIdServer.BlazorApp\obj\Release\net7.0\blazor.publish.boot.json' because file is newer than 'obj\Release\net7.0\compress\8FPK6JKG.br'. C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.100-rc.1.22431.12\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly\targets\..\tools\net7.0\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly.Tool.dll" br otli...

@BrianMinister "PII of type 'System.String' is hidden." is usually an issuer configuration issue. https://stackoverflow.com/a/62008969/2940908

There is issues with cache, postponed

You mean: How to use the translation ?

@DavidKlempfner Thx a lot for your contribution

Not in this repo, sorry

Not sure those legacies protocols support 2FA. Did you try to setup 2FA at https://yourtheidserver/Identity/Account/Manage/TwoFactorAuthentication and login ?

Hi, thanks to contribute. I dont' know Finbuckle, so I can't really help. Having a drop down to select the tenant in the blazor app means a lot of things...

There also the OIDC discovery document generator to rewrite per tenant if you override the request path. At least provide a new implementation for [IServerUrls](https://github.com/DuendeSoftware/IdentityServer/blob/main/src/IdentityServer/Services/IServerUrls.cs#L12) to replace the [DefaultServerUrls](https://github.com/DuendeSoftware/IdentityServer/blob/main/src/IdentityServer/Services/Default/DefaultServerUrls.cs)

You cannot create a static factory. Instances must be created by DI. I guess you need a way to get the good connection string per tenant and don't forget TheIdServer...