Results 17 issues of Adam Groszer

Turns out sometimes CONTENT_LENGTH is ""


like for beginning/end of line, prev/next word

feature request

## BUG/PROBLEM REPORT (OR OTHER COMMON ISSUE) On latest master, linux. Basically I'm setting a base's to a base that has registrations. `comp.getUtilitiesFor` is expected to return all registrations, but...

### Environment self-hosted ( ### Version 9.1.2 ### Steps to Reproduce python-pseudo code: ``` def test(): a = 1 b = ObjectThatRaisesOnRepr() c = 3 1 / 0 # raise,...

Status: Backlog
Team: Web Backend would need owner, group and mode parameters and pass that on to template_file or use some sensible defaults like root, root, 0644

``` from typing import List, Optional, Dict, cast, Tuple, Union from dataclasses import dataclass, field from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin @dataclass class State(DataClassJsonMixin): foo: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str] state = State( foo...

Hi, Is there any chance to support `:` in filenames? Having a bunch of files like `form:blabla.ini` . Field matching chokes on that, because of the `:` in the filename....