Perhaps an interesting little blue skies research project for C++20. We rely a lot on regex's at the moment, so a very interesting C++ project for the runtime properties (and...
Not the biggest problem and rather useful for debugging right now, but we shouldn't really be filling a users /tmp/ directory with garbage files and not cleaning them up! This...
For example when a user adds -g or -O3 for debugging or optimization this should be filtered down through the xocc ToolChain to the sycl-xocc script and passed to the...
At the moment the InSPIRation LLVM pass and SYCL runtime share some common code that should be refactored into a shared header that can be reused across the LLVM pass...
Extend the existing SYCL test infrastructure to optionally compile and execute all of the current SYCL tests (other than tests with Intel specific extensions) for Xilinx FPGA via the xocc...
One side affect of using a script to help drive our ToolChain at the moment is that CTRL-C inside of a terminal to cancel the compilation will not always cancel...
Port some further SDAccel Examples to SYCL Examples such as the smithwaterman example and wip median_filter. This helps us find issues in the current infrastructure and showcase what SYCL can...
Port the existing SLAMBench implementation over to see how feasible it is to run a large application with the compiler at the moment: This should mostly be working out...
Currently we only really support single step compilation of SYCL source code to end binary output. However, it's entirely possible to support two step compilation if we wish, this could...
This is related to: The current way we support SPIR builtins is as follows: We attempt to translate any function in the cl::__spirv (after the Reflower pass this namespace...