Andrey Glushkov

Results 8 issues of Andrey Glushkov

### Background Brakeman version: brakeman 5.0.0 Rails version: Rails Ruby version: ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux] ### Issue There are 4 examples that I believe free from any...

### Steps to reproduce `Record#dup` adds this additional new record to associations this record belongs to when `inverse_of` specified. So when parent association is saved, it saves this duplicated record....

attached PR
With reproduction steps

### Steps to reproduce This works with load_defaults 6.0 and raises error with load_defaults 7.0 - Build some User - Build some Order with buyer User - Build some OrderItem...

With reproduction steps

Incorrect `total_count` after association loaded when using `padding` in the end of list. If we have 5 comments ```ruby puts # => 5 # OK puts # =>...


I use `#each_instance_batch` method to iterate over batches, and when it tries to find column types for postgresql `enum` columns it warns ``` /gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: deprecated Object#=~ is called...

**Describe the bug** `Vips::Image.thumbnail("filename.gif[n=-1]", 200, height: 200, crop: :centre)` with animated GIF file saves static file with 1 scene only. Without `crop: :centre` it saves animated file correctly I used...


We've seen large RPS degradation on staging server where we have bullet enabled Looks like bullet allocates more objects than the rest of application It looks CallStack is one to...

This is basically not a issue but feature request. So can we set custom cookies when opening connection?