Andrea Gazzarini
Andrea Gazzarini
Not sure if this is the appropriate and correct "term", but reading from here [1] I think this is a great feature for SolRDF. In addition, I think it should...
In this way the usage of the client library will be easier, as the user doesn't have to worry about dependencies.
The first implementation step of the Solr-Jena bridge has been actually completed: as suggested by Jena devs, that is basically a Solr-specific implementation of the Jena graph and dataset domain...
As part of the index chain it would be useful to have an UpdateRequestProcessor that manage Silk [1] and provides interlinking services to the incoming data --- [1]
The installation of a sample SolRDF is too much technical, regardless the two ways described in the "Get me up and running" page. Building things from source [1] is useful...
Custom datatype aren't actually handled (they are indexed as they were plain strings). In case of SPARQL queries with such custom datatypes, the results are wrong: both string and custom...
e.g. Accept: Accept: text/turtle; charset=utf-8 produces: 16:33:22,296 INFO [store] webapp=/solr path=/rdf-graph-store params={default=} status=0 QTime=1063 16:33:22,309 ERROR null:org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: No graph writer for null at org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr.createGraphWriter$( at org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr.write$( at org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr.write( at org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr.write(
General catch-all task for fixes, codestyle refactoring that are not related with a specific issue.
sample_data.ttl ``` @prefix dm: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix d: . @prefix xsd: . d:id1 dm:location _:b1 . d:id2 dm:location . d:id3 dm:amount 3 . d:id4 dm:amount "4"^^xsd:integer . d:id5...
This is the same thing of issue #44 but related with Hybrid mode.