Andrea Gazzarini
Andrea Gazzarini
The stuff above has been committed in a dedicated branch - issue_89 - so it's not in the master
Still a lot of things to do. I'm trying to build a bridge between the Jena Op / OpExecutor framework and the Solr world. The general and overall iterator behaviour...
A first implementation of Basic Graph Pattern execution seems working. It works directly at Lucene low-level, executing subsequent joins between docsets (resulting from each triple pattern in the graph). Again,...
The issue_89 branch contains a rough implementation of - BGP executor (QueryIterator) that works with the most part of BGP integration tests - Filter executor that injects the filter directly...
Some pointers
I created a new branch "ldf_endpoint" for this work. The branch is not compiling, as I inserted a couple of new methods in client library. There's an already available SearchHandler...
Temporary workaround: add all queries/query groups/topics in a single ratings file.
Hi @AlexAddisonLN thanks for entering this. I'm not sure I got your case. Could you please expand a bit?
Great, so I agree with you, we need to escape such content. Thanks again
Hi @binarymax, I think #54 it's the issue you're looking for. Ideally the target persistence model should be pluggable (in this case Elasticsearch but in another scenario a customer wanted...