Ariful Hossain
Ariful Hossain
after doing a ``` pip install bipython ``` on startup it spits out the following error : ``` /home/aftnix/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/ ShimWarning: The `IPython.config` package has been deprecated. You should import from...
The architecture is following : client--------------->kamailio+rtpproxy------>softswitch I'm concerned with the client--->rtpproxy path. rtpproxy uses the same port from receiving UDP packets from client and sending udp packets to client. Can...
First, centos, epel, rpmfusion, rpmforge ...nothing seems to provide the requirements given for building ibus-avro. I have cloned ibus from its github repo. But configuring ibus in centos halts with...
``` >sudo -u solr bin/solr create -c hiveCollection -d basic_configs -n hiveCollection -s 2 -rf 2 >hive>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE authproc_syslog_solr (hid STRING, tstamp TIMESTAMP, type STRING, msg STRING, thost STRING,...