Wojtek Gawroński

Results 9 comments of Wojtek Gawroński

List of potential places where to market: - Twitter (company profile, then using private profiles, and retweets). - Creating `perun` profile and using it for marketing. - Facebook page (company...

@morfeush22 @pfigwer Have we tried to build it on _Travis CI_? Have we tried to build it locally on Windows? :wink: My idea would be to build it on `osx`,...

In that case I'd skip `windows` build for `1.0` and we will have cross-platform tests later on (e.g. `2.0`). Let's figure out how to map current configuration to the _Windows_...

@morfeush22 Thanks! :smile: Indeed - it sounds cumbersome, however - I will not ditch this feature completely, because there is _Price List API_ - it won't be exact quote, but...

We would love to have also: - _Watch mode_ that listens of filesystem changes from a certain directory and automatically validates the changed files.

Another idea would be to actually leverage `watchdog` mode - tool / server can listen for file changes and perform validation / linting on demand, in the background.

One of the errors that affected people on _macOS_ during the _ElixirConf US_ workshops: ```bash user@hostname ~/.../elixir-fire-brigade-workshop/apps/tracing_4 $ iex -S mix Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.0.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe]...

In such case I think without additional marker on graph it may introduce confusion (e.g. vertical line that marked change in the query with before / after) - so we...

I would add to it a small finding (not confirmed yet for _100%_) - due to _setTimeout_ and _setState_ interleaved calls we are building up memory (plus consuming a lot...