currently its hardcoded to abc... like this: ``` let s:select_wins_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ``` It would be nice to be able to customize this to more ergonomic characters, like home-row first,...
Using [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org/) with trezor-gpg outside of a terminal does not work (because `GPG_TTY` is not set). Pass runs the following code: ``` export GPG_TTY="${GPG_TTY:-$(tty 2>/dev/null)}" ``` here https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/tree/src/password-store.sh#n11 and `tty`...
Changed the order, to have password group above oidc, to fix so the top submit button is not the oidc. So enter = password, not oidc There might be a...
I was getting this when running `sudo kubernix` ``` [DEBUG] Kubeconfig created for kube-scheduler [DEBUG] Creating kubeconfig for admin [DEBUG] Kubeconfig created for admin [DEBUG] No previous run file '/home/afreak/temp/kubernix/kubernix-run/etcd/run.yml'...
# Environment - ```echo $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS```: - nothing - ```bat --version```: - `bat 0.22.1` - Are your vim plugins up-to-date?: - yes - ```(n)vim --version```: ``` NVIM v0.8.1 Build type: Release...
### What happened? when doing `eks.NewCluster` with `&eks.ClusterArgs`, and wanting to set `NodeAssociatePublicIpAddress` it takes a `*bool`. ### Expected Behavior It should take a `bool` or a `pulumi.bool`. ### Steps...
**Describe the bug** In certain scenarios, the order of fields on a type matter for @authorization validation. **To Reproduce** 1. Clone the following repo https://github.com/afreakk/n4j-issue 2. yarn install 3. ./test.sh...
+ Bumped coc.nvim to 0.0.80, I couldn't make it build with older coc.nvim, because of some typescript errors in coc.nvim library. + Bumped @types/node to the same version as coc.nvim...
**Describe the bug** When trying to mutate a type with @authorization through a `@cypher` like: ``` type Mutation { deleteCar(input: DeleteCarInput!): DeletedCar! @cypher( statement: """ MATCH(s:Car) WHERE (s.id = $input.carId)...
### What happened? When using `ecr.NewImage` and adding `CacheFrom` attribute on `ImageArgs` it also adds `--target` to `docker build. Which causes: ``` error: Error: The target "123.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/myImage:latest" was not found...