Katie O'Mahony
Katie O'Mahony
I agree, we received similiar feedback from learners at a recent workshop. I made slides of the exercises and put in a cheat sheet so they had them side-by-side, but...
I recently instructed using this lesson plan and would agree that using the same string "mark" with different possible word boundaries would improve the clarity.
Adding geom_jitter() will result in points being plotted twice. You can add `point = "FALSE"` to the ggscatter call before adding geom_jitter, that is working (in my hands at least)....
I see a similiar error, it looks like there are issues with exon coordinates during augustus training (the log is longer, the issues occurs with 100s of exons): ``` Will...
Submitted a PR there!
I'm not sure if this is the best place to flag it, but it seems that the updated link from https://github.com/LibraryCarpentry/lc-data-intro/pull/211 (https://acrl.ala.org/techconnect/post/fear-no-longer-regular-expressions/) is also broken: `Fatal error: Access level to...
I believe I was able to get around this by creating a symlink to the compleasm within my conda installation of BRAKER3, as it seemed to strictly require compleasm.py (within...
I have also seen this happen with post-run SUP basecalling on our P2 solo today - no other basecalling experiments running at the time. Minknow version 24.02.10, fastqs seem to...
Hi @MarkBicknellONT , I've updated to 24.02.16 but still seeing this issue of basecalling hanging at 99% - is patch 1 included in this version on Minknow?