Ryan Wold
Ryan Wold
@wmcheung - looks like there is some support: https://github.com/lian/bitcoin-ruby/blob/f2c47a1653b480eda44c80d156f9328950ff1b84/spec/unit/bitcoin/bitcoin_spec.rb#L430
Satoshi and best practices advocate against address reuse. [Section 10](https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf) > a new key pair should be used for each transaction to keep them from being linked to a common...
Still valid?
Is there more work to be done for this issue? It looks like JSON is being validated. If there's more to be validated, perhaps it can be clarified in a...
Still valid?
@dundalek - is this feature suitable for this repo? Would you take a PR for it?
1. What `elixir --version` are you running? 1. And , what does your `mix.exs` look like?
This tutorial covers deployment to Heroku, rather than Digital Ocean. This app uses `Postgresql`, but [here's a link](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-deploy-elixir-phoenix-applications-with-mysql-on-ubuntu-16-04) on deploying Elixir apps to Digital Ocean.
specifying the node version in `package.json` fixed this for me ``` ... "engines": { "node": "^14.0.0" }, ... ```
I saw this error. In my `config.exs`, My `.Repo` was defined in `ecto_repos: [...],`. Removing the line resolved this error.