Hello, I understand reasons for removing Fake.ClearConfiguration, but there are good use cases to give users ability to clear rules. For example I'm using FakeItEasy in my integration tests to...
Opt-in will work for use-case I mentioned. I think exposing method to save state will give more value then creation option and will simplify creating stubs.
For scenarios when we put fake into DI container, storing snapshot on fake itself will be more suitable.
In DI scenario we would likely to need only one snapshot. Either empty Fake to setup desired behaviour on each test (same as reset configuration), or setup base behaviour and...
I don't have code sample anymore as I changed job. But setup is described in this blog post: There is note there that sums the problem. 'Note also, that...
@bmcclint15 maybe you can fork code and upload compiled extension ? At the moment there is no free & mature working solution for code coverage in VS Community
It will be easier for me if you specify language and example not translated string. I can take a look into build process.
Seems that issue is related with a problem with meson build script. When compiled from sources using autotools it works well. Will investigate.
Hello @LAfricain Thanks again for pointing the issue - seems meson build scripts was an issue here. While still working on this, uploaded packages to github rebuilt using autotools. Tested...
Hey, never saw issue like that and Im on 20.04 as well. My best guess is it doesn't like brackets in folder name. Try to remove (1) it may help.