Felipe Sepúlveda
Felipe Sepúlveda
Hi, i just did a `go get github.com/keighl/barkup` and i got this: go get -u -v github.com/keighl/barkup github.com/keighl/barkup (download) Fetching https://launchpad.net/goamz/aws?go-get=1 Parsing meta tags from https://launchpad.net/goamz/aws?go-get=1 (status code 404)launchpad.net/goamz (download)...
https://github.com/dungtran209/Modelling-and-Analysis-of-a-Vehicle-Routing-Problem-with-Time-Windows-in-Freight-Delivery/blob/59b66df215ad9a57f5d66c431836ee5d03aa212c/code/3.%20Test_GVNS_S1.py#L163 Hi Dung, would like to know if possible, why in the or_opt_search and two_opt_search, the best_imp is accumulated on every iteration instead of assigned (so replaced). Thanks in advance.
We are getting the following error when authenticating a client on IdentityServer on Mono: ``` 21:08 [ERR] () Unhandled exception System.InvalidOperationException: The 'Expiry' property on 'Token' could not be set...