anatoly yakovenko

Results 11 comments of anatoly yakovenko

Why not require 2 signatures in the tx? The original and the new authority should both sign the transaction.

my gut on how to price storage is to allow Xkb per block, and any remaining storage goes into a "large slab allocator". Devs can request Zmb from the slab...

@brooksprumo so the other idea 1. network sets a maximum target state size in GB for the state 2. when the state hits that size, the lowest accounts by lamport...

> > 3\. when the state hits that size, the lowest accounts by lamport balance compress - gets put into a Merkle tree > > Sounds like this would require...

@brooksprumo in theory, once the state fills up and lowest price is actually > default, it means that there is more economically useful state that can fit into the chain....

@t-nelson the pipeline between the TPU and where banking state puts an entry of TXs into PoH, any place in there could be saturated to the point that it has...

> This will require some changes to TX submission since validators only send to TPUFwd. They shouldn't be a major contributor if at all on the TPU port today, so...

@taozhu-chicago @t-nelson I was thinking we sort by fee, then bucket by account/CU limit. then forward by bucket. so if there are N buckets, we round robin between each bucket...

> what is the purpose of the secondary committee here. If I understand correctly it is to propagate root information across committee switch boundaries, however it seems like this information...