alexandre eudes

Results 7 comments of alexandre eudes

Hi, 1. yes it should not be a problem to have the cam & body at the same frame (see tartan air stereo parameter for example) 2. The camera frame...

The last merge in master did not correct the #556 issue. @ffurrer or @michaelpantic could you consider merging this PR ? It's really annoying to not be able to use...

This issue is not visible if you built by source or if you install package on a machine where it was also compile by source. But on machine with only...

Bump @maxb91 @rikba ? maybe this one could finally be merged as #626 show that is it still relevant and gsilano/CrazyS@86d80d3 integration prove no catastrophic failure.

Not sure if it the same problem but we recently have problem with the ability to find gtest on new install. It was related to "recent" change on catkin. You...

Found a workaround... The difficulty lies in the fact that [we cannot read the css counter]( and [it's not trivial to reset it from vue variable]( But if you add...

To have realtime plotting from px4 autopilot, you can also directly use existing bridge: the ros way: uorb => mavlink => mavros => plotjuggler or via dds/ros2 via micrortps...