shubham Gupta
shubham Gupta
sure @gomesalexandre, considering that the remaining three items are common to this and #169 It will be better to get inputs from @duaraghav8 before proceeding to avoid redundant work.
@gomesalexandre @duaraghav8 Just an update from my side: Have been reading documentation and really got the gist of what solium is and how rules and fixing work. I really appreciate...
@ceresstation Expecting to update and complete by this weekend
@ceresstation I did spend time over the weekend but I'm still on it. I plan to continue.
@TRex911 was there an issue that you wanted to raise ?
Thanks, I'll review and add them.
so would adding an additional or condition with isnan(cr) be a solution for this ?
@elDudarino you can get tweet IDs of tweets from GetOldTweets3 which you can use with the official twitter APIs to get the retweeted tweets. See this [API endpoint reference]( for...
Hey @katiejohnson What would be the deadline for this ?