A. Erdem Şentürk
A. Erdem Şentürk
It's old topic but I would like to say that is quite easy with leaflet library. In geo mashup 1.12.0, leaflet is updated to latest version. So it's possible to...
Hello, @cyberhobo @vinylroads Have you found any solution for Polylang issue? There's a problem with global map. Contextual map is working well.
Hello @eliazu; I tried it, It seems working but this time global map shows not only active language, all of language items. Unfortunetally it means it's not a true solution....
@eliazu Yes you're right. It could be solved in the the queries. I did not used like that. But still there's a problem with "Nearby list". Did you already found...
_1- If heatmap clusters turned dynamic it would create a more professional appearance._ There is no solution for this with Leaflet. It was possible with maplibreGL but this project is...
> > Can you provide a video? I can not reproduce. > > https://youtube.com/shorts/6tY4IMNq7jc?feature=share I see it. Maybe we can prevent like this: Hide the heatmap when the map moves....
I guess there isn't a smooth solution with leaflet. I used to use leaflet before i guess it is it's nature. I did a try with maplibreGL. Intensity works very...
>Alright, can we call a function like heatmap.redraw() on the events movestart and moveend? @egemenu Yeah I completely agree It already redraws on @egemenu 's example right? Actually the only...
I already said for mobile.
Yol tarifi URL'sindeki parametreler sorunlu sanıyorum. https://www.google.com/maps?saddr=My+Location&daddr=36.2027419,36.1548184 saddr=My+Location kısmı yanlış. Bunu metin olarak ele alıyor. Yol tarifi url'sini şöyle dener misiniz: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=36.2027419,36.1548184 @eraygundogmus