Same issue with laravel 5.4
Setting HOME to a different path inside Dockerfile fixed this problem for us. Our celery worker was running as nobody user but HOME was set to /root.
> Hey @efriis , I am unable to inspect the failed Vercel deployment. When I click "Inspect", it brings me to a 404 error on Vercel. > > Do you...
I have the same issue with openai 1.2.3. Error message is: ``` Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': "None is not of type 'object' - 'messages.2.function_call'", 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': None,...
I think the issue is related with "function_call" being null (or None in this case), I have removed it from incoming message of openai and the problem is gone.