Amine E.

Results 25 issues of Amine E.

Hello, opening this issue as a reference for anyone who might run into the same issue when running `make`: ``` building '/nix/store/p831cprhcpndwrx6nwddhm0igp93pl99-solc-static-0.8.7.drv'... patching sources installing post-installation fixup strip is /nix/store/k0p31jydp2bp2s71712jw4c81ls39i5d-cctools-binutils-darwin-949.0.1/bin/strip...

Hello, I was thinking of re-writing this guide [Building external adapters]( by following the [Contributing section]( and generating an adapter from scratch using `yarn new source `. Unfortunately, I have...

Hello, I've tried the following [amberdata adapter]( and noticed that the response is different from what's [documented on README file]( but also different from [Ambderdata doc]( **Request** ```curl curl --data...

Chainlink CCIP

Chainlink CCIP