Results 111 comments of Bruno

Ok, no worries :) Thanks for looking into it.

Hi Alice, thanks for the PR! I think we need to keep some sort of maximum timeout for the video recording. Otherwise it's likely that the user will forget to...

What situations would changing the FPS be useful?

Hmm, there could maybe be a memory register for it, although for simplicity I feel like it should remain a constant 60 FPS and leave it up to the game...

For background, the reason this feature exists is because it was originally planned to have short gameplay preview thumbnails on the Play page at I want to redesign the...

I'll create a new issue about redesigning the Play page, I didn't want to hijack this issue but just give some context :smiley: Being able to record longer videos would...

Besides changing the text, are there any other changes that we would want to make to the C++ template? > The current template favours C quite a bit. If you...

Hmm, it turns out the 3rd param to `store` is in bytes and not in elements. So it should be: ```typescript store(w4.PALETTE, 0xff0000, 0); // light store(w4.PALETTE, 0xe30000, 4); //...

`PALETTE1` to `PALETTE4` sounds good! I think we should also ask the AssemblyScript folks if there's a bug with the 3rd param to `store`. This documentation seems wrong

> Could you collaborate more? In the `store()` example at that link, the 3rd param should be 32 instead of 8 to match the C example... I'll ping Discord about...