Aymeric Dujardin

Results 7 comments of Aymeric Dujardin

@GiorgosBetsos The GTX 1080 doesn't support hardware acceleration for fp16 which is quite a big part for the impressive TensorRT runtime improvement, you could expect about half the runtime in...

I had the same issue. You need to take an older version of darknet, at this commit `80d9bec20f0a44ab07616215c6eadb2d633492fe`. It seems there were some breaking changes after that.

@ferngarc You don't have enough RAM to build on all cores, you can lower the job count by changing this from the dockerfile `make -j$(nproc)` to `make -j2` for instance

Hi, Yes, it's a missing feature, you currently can't (without modifying the plugin). It is planned though. It will probably require PyCUDA.

@frk2 By default the ZED SDK creates a new context, but with the C++ SDK you can pass your own context to the ZED with [InitParameters::sdk_cuda_ctx](https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/documentation/API/v2.4.0/structsl_1_1InitParameters.html#ae684a455a5dc2e48a82b9aadc8c3ba53). As mentioned in the...

Did you install libgflags and glog ? (`sudo apt-get install libgflags2 libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev`)

Hi, Thank you for the detailed report! You're right the current way was too brittle. We'll integrate your fix for the next release