
Results 38 issues of adroitwhiz

Currently, the README and website for Two.js state that it's geared towards "modern browsers". However, that phrase has been there since the beginning of the project, back when IE9 was...


What's the purpose of `extrapolateScientificNotation` in the SVG interpreter? It looks like it expands scientific-notation numbers to their fullwide equivalents, but `parseFloat` already seems to handle parsing scientific notation just...


This may be related to #328. Currently, each `Two.Anchor` has a `Command` property. However, these are a value from the `Two.Commands` enum, which mirrors SVG commands. The problem is that...


Currently, there's a lot of stuff in Two.Utils that was copied in from Underscore. It looks like some work has already been put into reducing the use of Underscore in...


Currently, [the username and user avatar for the sender of a message are stored as part of the message]( This takes up a lot of space in the serialized JSON...


I created [a webapp]( that allows people to browse through Discord archives created by a not-publicly-released bot that I also created. I'm wondering if there would be any interest in...


There's a lot left to do here--for instance, class visibility modifiers and making the API signatures explicit--but I'm opening this as a draft PR for feedback + any contributions.

Right now, `fireTrigger` and `Trigger.start` return `Promise`s. `broadcastAndWait` works by waiting for the `Promise` returned by `fireTrigger` to resolve, and `yield`ing until then. Async code has some [really convoluted timing...


Right now, there don't appear to be any automated tests for verifying behavior. We should add some--it may be hard to get Leopard to run headlessly (not in a browser),...


Scratch broadcasts only allow you to trigger behavior in other sprites, with no way to include any information in the broadcast message itself. Leopard could extend this behavior by allowing...
