Adrian Trunzo
Adrian Trunzo
+1 For a setting to disable the filetype icons.
> The main thing that needs to be done for this to work properly is to update the measurements of the scrollable ancestor bounding rectangles when they resize. Hi @clauderic,...
> @clauderic I wonder we have any workaround for this case? @ducan-ne The workaround I described above is to make sure that the HTML `` does not scroll. The body...
I think this issue can be closed pending some documentation as the opposite of `z%` is already implemented as [`(matchup-Z%)`]( There are no default key mappings, though, and `Z%` is...
There is a homebrew formula for the language server: Looks like it was added to the registry about a year ago. I just installed the server via homebrew locally...
@sujitbalasubramanian Are you still having this issue? I assume that you have set the background opacity in Kitty to a value less than 1.0 because you are asking for the...
This issue is reproducible in plain Vim and I have encountered it quite a few times. I don't think it is unique to NeoVim, treesitter, or `after/plugin/dracula.vim`, but rather has...
> The extra vim in in your path seems odd, to me. @benknoble Sorry, I made a typo. The path I used is `~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/dracula` without the extra `vim`. Looks like...
@benknoble You could probably close this issue as a duplicate of I still run into the issue, but you outlined workarounds in that other issue. > (To clarify: the...