Adrian Staniec
Adrian Staniec
Sometimes I get annoyed waiting for the prompt to show up, I think that's happening becasue of the time it take to gather the git status for the prompt. As...
hello lotabout, I like the multiple tokens feature, particularly than when I just write two words (separated by space) they will be found even if order is different, so that...
where and how exactly should I set this variable on windows I have already tried: C:\Users\adrian\Miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe /c/Users/adrian/Miniconda3/Scripts/conda.exe in System Properieties > Environment Variables and in neovim running :echo $CONDA_EXE it...
I have a question. I see that DALI currently supports warpAffine() (opencv 'inspired'), but I don't see warpPerspective equivalent GPU operation. Is/Will it be implemented?
Hi ralesi, I am enjoying your package a lot, thanks for awesome work! The only problem I have at the moment is two missing shortcuts from original ranger. 1. when...