Adriano Vieira

Results 23 issues of Adriano Vieira

RHEL6 - Error trying ssh command: `vagrant ssh` - provider: libvirt - box: `generic/rhel6` (or `roboxes/rhel6`) steps to reproduce: 1. `vagrant init -m generic/rhel6` (or `vagrant init -m generic/rhel6 --box-version...

Hi, folks! What do I need to do to fix this? ## Description I'm trying to sign up a new user in my own environment, but I'm getting this error...

**I'm submitting a ..** - [ ] Bug Report - [X] Feature Request **Current behavior:** Infrequent releases of the app **Expected correct behavior:** Frequent small releases of fixed issues or...

Make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your issue - thank you! (If your issue is neither a both bug nor a request, please write in a free style)...

Hi, folks! Please, how/where do I update to increase limits for this thing? ``` 22:13:33.941 ERROR: ClientError [PayloadTooLargeError]: request entity too large 22:13:33.942 ERROR: at readStream (/work/.scannerwork/css-bundle/node_modules/raw-body/index.js:155:17) 22:13:33.942 ERROR: at...

Is it expected that `yarn audit --production` audit only packages' dependencies for production environments? If so, it isn't working. **steps to reproduce** 1. `yarn init -y` 2. `yarn add vue`...

## Directions Issues are reserved for actionable bug reports and feature requests. Before opening an issue, search for similar bug reports or feature requests. If no similar issue can be...

Although google authorization is a great feature not all enterprises can use it to grant user authorization for must of their services. Furthermore, some companies uses AD/LDAP as the service...

kind: enhancement

There are times that to have a MVP or for proof a concept it can be usefull to fast developing and have environment variables which app can use. But as...

kind: enhancement

If your issue is not following the template, the maintainer may close the issue without notifications. Issue Type: Bug Report ----------------------- * Write the following environmental information. * OS version:...