We can point the mouse cursor to selection (it is possible, draft is here: and then map built-in MouseKeys Windows feature to different keys (using AutoHotKeys maybe?). MouseKeys is...
For chrome you can use Vimium extension. For every other app the hunt-and-peck is still the best option for Windows I believe and it should be updated - should we...
Here is a draft of the solution. It has 2 problems: - works properly only for apps in fullscreen mode (in window mode apps it still points the cursor to...
I would love to help with increasing the speed. May need some hints/guidance on where to start because I am more of a Python/linux guy. Here is an idea: Is...
Changing the font size is very simple. All you have to do is to modify this line, `FontSize` attribute to be precise: The more challenging part is to build...
Hi guys! I added an option to change the font size in settings. New version of the application is available here: HOW TO CHANGE THE FONT SIZE: Find the...