Adrian Cooney

Results 8 comments of Adrian Cooney

Thanks for the review @rwjblue! Can you elaborate on your thinking with the ordering guarantees? I had some suspicions myself since Promise execution isn't sync but the tests passed so...

:scream: What version/OS you running? [The demo]( is still working for me on Version 44.0.2403.130 (64-bit) OSX Yosemite!

Think we might be back in business.

@daniellmb don't lose hope just yet. I think we're onto something because these custom formatters are awesome. Everybody will probably in the near future have them turned on and we'll...

Multiple Y axes? I'm not entirely sure how that would work. Have you any example graphs I could take a look at?

Ah, I see what you mean. I'm currently enabling interactivity in Aristochart which requires quite literally an entire rewrite of the source. It'll also mean that adding features like this...

Been trying to crack this with Node too. The equivalent so far for the php MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 is aes-256-cbc with the key and IV. I can't seem to get a working,...

Any more movement on this? Our instances are hogging connections for too long and it'd be great to be able to close out those idle connections.