Adrian Cockcroft
Adrian Cockcroft
The current order is movies directed first, then movies acted in, but the movies are jumbled up. Fix would be to sort by decreasing year of movie, or alphabetically by...
iPad's may be shared, so allow each user to enter their name to create a persona, then setup a favorite movies and favorite people list for each persona to use...
Users don't realize that the powered by Netflix logo is a button that goes to that movie at the Netflix site. Add some helper text next to the button.
We should have a bio for the actor, possibly based on freebase data rather than netflix bio. Make it a popup screen on the current actor's movies display, or popup...
Movie view layout is squished in portrait mode – workaround: hold your iPad landscape, since that makes sense for watching a movie anyway…
This should be an option on the home page menu button, and should provide access to some of the power of OData based searches.
The initial list of actors is fixed, derived from the top actors from the top100 movies on Netflix. The list is stored as a file in the app as JSON,...
Movie synopsis sometimes contains coded characters that are displayed as something like é in words like protégé.
I can't figure out the config to get a CNAME to work. I'd like to redirect to this github site and to redirect to the SPA at
At present there is a fixed set of fsm, lamp, netflixoss, migration. However there is now an ability to load from a json spec and create a new architecture, so...