Adrian Cockcroft
Adrian Cockcroft
Arch and metrics files have been moved
Both lamp and netflixoss are now generated from json_arch. A new netflix_arch file has a lot more complexity, it's got a separate api and a www endpoint and three different...
The file contains a fixed list of architectures near the end. This should be changed to dynamically generate a list based on what is found in the architectures directory.
In Spigo, there is no acknowledgement of a Put. That might be the issue. It you look at a GetRequest/GetResponse you should see the full set of four annotations. Adrian...
The getresponse should be the same traceid to complete the flow I could generate a response for a put, it's needed to simulate failures to write. Adrian On Monday, July...
Ok. I'll take a look. On Monday, July 4, 2016, Adrian Cole [email protected] wrote: > maybe something isn't emitting the GetResponse events to the flow json > recorder thing for...
yes, there needs to be a toolbar to control the simulation, and a direct hookup over websocket or http/2 server push between the ui and spigo.
The free Gephi tool has this capability. The GEXF format specifies it, next step is change graphml to GEXF. Gephi is a pain to install, depends on Java 1.6 :-(
Here's the XML format for dynamic graphs using GEXF
Next task is to change the GraphML format output (-g option) to generate GEXF instead.