I had some trouble myself getting swaggo to find all my annotations in the project structure. After fiddling around with the cli a bit I found out that you can...
I'm facing the similar problem that I cannot disable auto-snyc (nor pruning and self heal) of an application resource via the UI. It seems to me that argoCD is overwriting...
Update: For my problem (and i figure it might resolve the OPs problem as well) the issue was that in my app-of-apps pattern, the root-application was configured with `self-heal=true`, causing...
@olastefaniak I assume you are using the app-of-apps pattern as well and "krowa-parent" is the root application resource? Commenting out the sync policy likely results in argocd using the default...
Update: I was able to resolve the problem by running `swag fmt` and then `swag init` again to rebuild the docs. So in the end it was an error on...
Bezieht sich das auf gleichzeitiges eingeloggt sein im selben Browser? Da wäre dann eine Schwierigkeit, die verschiedenen Auth-Tokens zu handlen. Oder ist damit nur gemeint, dass das Backend mehrere unabhängige...