Alexandru-Daniel Nedelcu
Alexandru-Daniel Nedelcu
I think what @bernhardh wants to say is that he doesn't want the first line (`{{ $code }}`) to be parsed, while the second one should (`{{ \Shortcode::compile($code) }}`). This...
Definitely after 2 years there is no more need for you to solve your problem, but for those that still arrive on this issue, there is also a solution available...
Hi @someoneof, what is the version of the SublimeCodeIntel package you are using?
From what I can see, the project is not dead, but the main focus is on *unix, not Windows. My fork has a semi-working version of the oop branch for...
@deathaxe, I will try it tomorrow on my Windows machine and come back with a confirmation ;)
Almost 2 years later, and not a single response.
To extend the answer from @Starojitski, to properly support the `itemprop`, `itemscope`, and `itemtype` on all elements, replace the `span` with a `*`. The version I'm using that I saw...
I'm using a Laravel package over this one, but try to use double quotes `"` instead of `'`. Might fix your issue.
Check with your symfony package issue tracker. They might have something about this there. This package does not have that problem because I am using it as I wrote you,...
We have the same problem right now with the latest version of Invoker (2.14.0 as of now)