Adrián Molina Calvo

Results 4 issues of Adrián Molina Calvo

Currently, we have the @PropertySource and the definition of @Beans in the same configuration. That situation doesn't allow easily to extend the starter and to load custom defined values before...

Sometimes, there are more than one MeterRegistry object bean in the project so it could be interesting if we can redefine the bean MicrometerAdapter or define for which meter registry...

I did a test with this query `"meter('http.server.requests').tag('method','GET').tag('status','200').measurement('count') > 2"` . This expression matches with more than one meter if you do requests for different uris. The expression parser in...

If you use prometheus registry, the metrics are never reset, so when a threshold is reached, the condition will be always matched so a new recording starts each time the...