Adam Oleksy
Adam Oleksy
Hi, I would like to use your library in my project. Unfortunately I've (probably) found a bug. I've compiled google_pipeline_tests, and run it in a loop. In most cases it...
It fixes issue #8093. This is an alternative of #8164 and #8165. Details in commit message.
It fixes issue #8093. This is an alternative of #8165 and #8166. Details in commit message.
It fixes issue #8093. This is an alternative #8164 and #8166. Details in commit message.
Hi! For given schema ``` struct S1 { f1: int; f2: int; } struct S2 { f1: [S1:16]; } table Root { f1: S2; } root_type Root; ``` and given...
For Vector or Array of structures the dereference operator of an iterator returns the pointer to the structure. However, IndirectHelper, which is used in the implementation of this operator, is...