
Results 8 issues of adkabo

**Describe the bug** On Lark 0.8.5, Python 3.7.7, I'm observing a parse affected by `PYTHONHASHSEED`. **A clear and concise description of what the bug is, and what you expected to...

Currently rewriters don't distinguish between failing to match and successfully returning a value of `nothing`. I want to use this pattern: ```jl y = r1(expr)::Union{Nothing, Some{Expr}) return isnothing(y) ? y...

I often want to make a function whose entire body is a match expression. This could be interpreted as dispatch like and Do you think it would be...

Currently the plot depends on row order which leads to weird plots. So I have to sort the data before putting it into AoG. I don't like that the algebra...

Hello DataKnots team, I'm looking into the DataKnots project and I'm excited about what I see. It looks like a very powerful tool. I do have an issue that I'd...

```jl using StatsBase, Statistics julia> mean(rand(100), @view ProbabilityWeights(rand(100))[:]) ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Vector{Float64} are not callable Use square brackets [] for indexing an Array. Stacktrace: [1] _mean(f::Vector{Float64}, A::SubArray{Float64, 1,...


```jl julia> Table() ERROR: UndefVarError: n not defined Stacktrace: [1] _ndims(#unused#::Type{Tuple{}}) @ TypedTables ~/.julia/packages/TypedTables/zfbS2/src/TypedTables.jl:26 ```

I want to plot non-numeric data and get non-numeric labels. It is possible to do this if I convert the values to float before passing them into makie and then...
