getting the following error when using the plugin for an android project. ``` Could not get unknown property 'classes' for project ':app' of type org.gradle.api.Project. ```
I solved it by creating a new step in my CI server basically `./gradlew jacocoReport diffCoverage` was failing using a 2 step CI command like this worked ``` // 1st...
This is my actual task and it's configuration ``` tasks.register("jacocoDiffReport", JacocoReport) { diffCoverageReport { diffSource.git.compareWith 'refs/remotes/origin/develop' reports { html = true baseReportDir = file(project.jacocoPrReportLocation) } def jacocoProjects = subprojects.findAll {...
> It's not clear for me why you configure diff coverage plugin inside custom JacocoReport. This is done to avoid configuration time, the project is very large and we cannot...