Aditya Shrikant Pednekar
Aditya Shrikant Pednekar
Seeing the exact same issue with Azure SQL DB + Spring Boot App + HikariCP v3.4.5 which is running as a traditional service (not microservice) on a server.
Not working for with SSO configured: ``` helm repo add forrHelmRepoTest s3://namechanged/charts Error: fetch from s3 url=s3://namechanged/charts/index.yaml: fetch object from s3: SSOProviderInvalidToken: the SSO session has expired or is invalid...
I am on [cluster-autoscaler]( helm chart version `9.29.4`, which deploys autoscaler version`1.27.2` and am still seeing the issue while trying to scale up nodes in AWS EKS. Intrestingly when I...