Andrew Fernandes
Andrew Fernandes
Actually, I have **exactly** the same problem. Building on (Intel) Ubuntu 18.04. ``` !!omap - config: makewidth: 20 packagers: apt,pymod,pip,pkgconfig,cmd elevate_pre_args: - sudo - -H git-cache: /home/andrew/.pybombs/gitcache default_prefix: bladeRF -...
FYSA I keep the unmodified RTT sources maintained and properly tagged here: (been doing it for a while) I'm reasonably certain that Segger doesn't "maintain" any release of RTT...
FWIW, I just pushed **Version V7.86h (2023-04-12)** to my [_unmodified_, pristine mirror of Seggger's RTT distribution]( Segger's [release notes]( are usually pretty complete, and there **were** some minor changes to...
@kilograham, I agree with your "use a submodule" sentiment 100% The issue is that there is no **official** source, as far as I know, RTT repository - that's why I...
(ping @kilograham and @anaoum) **Superseded** by #1411
@kilograham, I have vendored in `RTT` and removed the submodule. **However**, no matter what I do, I _cannot_ apply the compiler flags. ``` set_source_files_properties(SEGGER/RTT/SEGGER_RTT.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS "-Wno-cast-qual;-Wno-cast-align") ``` You'll see...
> It would sure be nice if there were more _symmetric_ multiprocessor microcontrollers. The RP2040 is the only common one that I'm aware of, and I'm concerned that we might...
> those look very similar to the LPC55S69 we use at my dayjob Oh very aware and have been following **all** the public issues... I do secure boot and fuse-blowing...