Dmitry Astapov

Results 40 comments of Dmitry Astapov

What's the behavior you propose for "hledger print"? (taking into account all its possible options)

I tried to find it, but my google-fu is no strong enough today :( Is there any support in ledger for corporate actions (things that change quantity of shares you...

I read the link but I dont think that I see example of corporate action handling there. Can you please link the exact comment from there?

I also had to do: mkdir ~/go/bin export GOBIN=~/go/bin (otherwise "go get" complained about GOPATH) I get a failure at the end of "go get" about a bunch of redefined...

This is how i built it: Picking up after (fossil open lotter.fossil): Start go docker container: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp golang:1.14 bash In it, do "apt-get...

I think that IRS overcomplicates things here (and we should not). Let me try to annotate this piece of text the same way you did, while also considering this example:...

It is worth noting that a way to include cost basis in the sell transaction is most flexible -- you could, for example, record a sell (and capital gains) even...

> I’ll respond to the rest later, but first this: wow, I had been considering use of {= } only in the buy transaction. Is it actually intended to be...

> I use the `{}` syntax to write transactions in this way: > .... > I'm not using the `{= 12.34 USD}` syntax on any journal I see that you...

My $.02: 0. Unrealized gains are not necessarily related to lots: it could be that you care about current/historical value, but have no obligation to do LIFO/FIFO accounting of lots,...