
Results 16 comments of Tomiwa

> After I deleted them and created new encrypted values, I no longer get this error! How do I do this please? @Gilwyad @thismatters This is happening in my production...

Thanks a lot @harry-kim this is just what I needed! If using python 3 I believe you can just do: ```python encrypt(JSONWrappedTextField) class JSONWrappedTextField(models.TextField): def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, str):...

Update: I don't think this works if you already have existing JSONfield objects. I started getting weird string escaping errors.

> what version of the library are you using? @thismatters I am having the same issue and I am usng 0.3 and Django 1.11? Any updates on this, my entire...

It turns out the problem is that if you have a list of markers and one of the points has a null latitude or longitude. All the clusters will fail...

@guagualvcha Is it possible to get some funding from Binance Accelerator? There are no existing scholarship and grants projects except for [Atila]( The [Readme]( says the following: > We then...

A potential solution seems to be setting the Need Appearances flag. Not yet sure how to implement in pypdf2 but these 2 links may provide some clues:

Okay, I think I have figured it out. If you read section 12.7.2 (page 431) of the [PDF 1.7 specification](, you will see that you need to set the NeedAppearances...

@Tromar44 Preamble, make sure your form is interactive. E.g. The pdf must already have editable fields. 1) Sorry forgot to mention you will have to import them: `from PyPDF2.generic import...

It may also be a browser issue. I don't have the links anymore but I remember reading about some issues when opening/creating a PDF on Preview on Mac or viewing...