Adel Dolgov
Adel Dolgov
My layout : ``` ```
Maybe something wrong with maskColor attribute. I tried to create my own drawable with ripple effect but this doesn't work anyway
Someone found solution?
@danielzeller i fixed this by changing updateMode to "onScroll" when im going to fragment with recyclerview. But when i go out from app, then go back i have gray colored...
i think this happens when my phone runs out of memory when my application in background.
@LittleMango ohh, thanks. Do you have any ideas how to do this? I will try to realise
@javichaques i made a little trick. I added some view that will always looks like latest card, then when current card have some offset I'm changing latest visible card params:)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Surface has already been released. at android.view.Surface.checkNotReleasedLocked( at android.view.Surface.lockHardwareCanvas( at no.danielzeller.blurbehindlib.opengl.ViewSurfaceTexture.beginDraw(ViewSurfaceTexture.kt:48) at no.danielzeller.blurbehindlib.BlurBehindLayout.renderBehindViewToTexture(BlurBehindLayout.kt:240) at no.danielzeller.blurbehindlib.BlurBehindLayout.redrawBlurTexture(BlurBehindLayout.kt:216) at no.danielzeller.blurbehindlib.BlurBehindLayout.access$redrawBlurTexture(BlurBehindLayout.kt:25) at no.danielzeller.blurbehindlib.BlurBehindLayout$frameCallBack$1.doFrame(BlurBehindLayout.kt:234)
1. I have fragment with Google Map 2. Fragment container is setted as blurbehindview 3. If i scroll map, then go to another activity, then go back, i got that...