Adelbert Chang

Results 17 comments of Adelbert Chang

Hey all, I've been playing with `emacs-direnv` + Nix + Haskell and hit this same issue. @wbolster with your hook suggestion: ```elisp (use-package direnv :hook (flycheck-before-syntax-check . direnv-update-environment) :config (direnv-mode))...

Same issue (`No such file or directory: runghc`): ```elisp (use-package direnv :hook ((find-file flycheck-before-syntax-check) . direnv-update-environment) :config (direnv-mode)) (use-package flycheck :init (global-flycheck-mode)) (use-package flycheck-haskell :hook (haskell-mode . flycheck-haskell-setup)) (use-package haskell)...

As @leodido mentioned you may need to run with `--fetch-headers`. I got the same issue on GKE until I started using `--fetch-headers`.

@fntlnz I can try working on this a bit on the weekends. I'm thinking Hugo (Jekyll gives me shivers) + GitHub pages for simplicity to start?

@Future2100 I have used kubectl-trace to trace Rust, usual rules of thumb apply: - if you are trying to trace something compiled under `--release` make sure to keep debug symbols...

:+1: The flow I wanted was something similar to this: Write a Markdown file, perhaps in the style of Remark.JS, or just plain Markdown. From there I can use existing...

Finding myself wanting this a couple times now, I'm curious if anyone can shed some light on exactly which properties are lost? Failing that maybe I can try implementing it...

Would get a 👍 from me. It would also give me an opportunity to harp on about extensible effects and `Cont` ;)

Some initial anecdotal experience suggests the slowdown only happens on the initial load-from-classpath for the default blueprints. For instance the first deployment I did today that used a default blueprint...