Andres DLP

Results 4 comments of Andres DLP

Before load the kernel the screen said T5L1 DGUS2 v4.3 2021.10.21 ![IMG_7287]( After applying the kernel appears in red the T5L_UI_DGUS2_V45_20220105.bin actually I didn’t remember exactly the red but was...

The Creality files standard for the ender 3 DWINEnder3 ProMarlin2.0.6.1HW4.2.2

Well because the screen that Creality sales is the same touchscreen for CR6 then I flash the ender with firmware for the motherboard for ender and the screen have their...

Hello I try this but unfortunately not working I found this procedure that I think will help to recover my screen #6 DWIN Display Recovery -Burning Kernel files with PGT05youtu.beBest...