Adam Dyess

Results 8 comments of Adam Dyess

I've encountered this same issue. I see a `vsphere-syncer` container within the `vsphere-csi-controller-797d86f788-7lxgd` pods -- but those pods are all pending ``` ❯ kubectl get pods -n vmware-system-csi NAME READY...

Seems the issue is somewhere in here ```yaml spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: "app" operator: In values: - vsphere-csi-controller topologyKey: "" serviceAccountName: vsphere-csi-controller nodeSelector: ""...

does it have anything to do with the `replicas: 3` when there's only 1 master node for the `vsphere-csi-controller` deployment? related commit

Looking over my node's LABELS, i noticed that the node-selector actually didn't match any of the node's labels ``` ❯ kubectl describe nodes | egrep "Labels:" -A 10 Labels:

However, i'm still having an issue with the driver not being able to identify the nodes: ``` Couldn't find VM instance with nodeUUID 0c712942-5d15-0d37-83c0-6120d7ca04c5, failed to discover with err: virtual...

@shalini-b I think i'm making forward progress, my current deployment succeeds, but fails to launch all the containers in the daemonset: each deamonset container vmware-system-csi/vsphere-csi-node-2pdr4:node-driver-registrar presents a similar log description:...

Does this implement what you wanted?

Same with Ubuntu 22.04 I've tried versions v0.11.1, v0.14.1, and v0.19.1 all to the same quick failure when running ```bash ./flannelld -version ```